Elena is an investment professional and the author of a financial literacy series for kids. Elena holds an Honors BA in Business Economics and International Relations from Brown University (USA). She started her career working as an investment banking financial analyst at Morgan Stanley (London), before becoming Portfolio Manager and Investment Director at Standard Life Investments (Edinburgh). Elena currently heads a family office and manages a portfolio of global stocks, bonds, and real estate.
Elena´s contribution to children´s financial literature has been highly acclaimed by parents and educators across the world. Her books use the magic of storytelling to celebrate diversity and make financial literacy fun for the whole family.
Q: Where did the you get the inspiration to write this series?
A: I studied economics in college and have worked in finance ever since. I also have a very international background. I was born in Spain where I studied at a French School. I went to university in the US and have lived and worked in the UK and Ghana. I love travelling and discovering new places- so my writing combines all these interests.
Q: “Around the world” is a feature in your books. How does that fit with teaching financial literacy?
A: My books are all about breaking down barriers of understanding and celebrating diversity. I use storytelling to make finance and economics easy to learn. My characters come from all sorts of cultural and social backgrounds- and that ́s important because we live in a global world but one size does not fit all. I would like children from all walks of life to see themselves in my books and relate to my stories. I also want to send the world a message of tolerance and understanding.
Q: What are the most valuable lessons readers will get from your books?
A: Readers will learn about the importance of being financially literate in today’s world. They will also discover the beauty of our world’s diversity and realize that despite our differences, people from around the world share a lot in common.
Q: Are your books really for kids or for grown-ups?
A: That’s the million dollar question! I once said my books were for children aged 9 to 90. That still applies. Both kids and grown-ups have something to learn from them.
Q: Any new projects in the pipeline?
A: Yes! I am now working on Bedtime Economics, an illustrated story book series for younger readers. My mission remains unchanged: to convey simple yet powerful financial literacy lessons in plain and intuitive language.